Dive Into Massive Accelerated Exponential Personal Development + Performance

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September 14th at 10am pst

Keynotes + Workshops

Innovative, practical on-site programs and workshops for executives and project teams

VUCA MAX Mastery: Attain a Future Proof Mindset and Skillsets

The VUCA MAX Mastery program is designed to equip individuals with a ‘master-mindset,’ a powerful and expansive way of thinking and acting that ensures readiness and adaptability in the face of the relentless, rapid onslaught of change and disruptions in today’s world.

This comprehensive program goes beyond traditional leadership and personal development programs by delving into the depths of what it means to be truly future-proof. Participants are guided through a transformative journey that integrates conscious leadership, antifragile principles, high powered productivity and self development, strategic foresight, and courage and innovation skills, empowering them to not only navigate but also capitalize on the rapidly evolving landscape of societal and technological change.

Through a blend of cutting-edge methodologies, tools, experiential learning, and immersive simulations, individuals learn to harness their inner superpowers, unstoppable resilience, creativity, and visionary thinking. The VUCA MAX Mastery program is an essential investment for those committed to staying ahead of the curve, turning potential disruptions into opportunities for growth, innovation, and sustained success in the exponential age

The Rise of Humanness in the Age of AI: Expand your Human Superpowers

Humanity stands at a precipice. As the AI revolution accelerates — it could be an epoch that leads to human evolution, expansion and unlimited possibilities. It all depends on our mindsets.

​“The Rise of Humanness: The VUCA MAX System for Expanding Human Value in the Age of AI” is not just a book; it’s a blueprint for flourishing in the new world order —where Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity and Massive Accelerating Exponential change (VUCA MAC) intensify and redefine the way we approach our personal and professional lives.

​Imagine a future where technology does not eclipse our human powers but amplifies it—where the value of being human is not diminished but advanced into higher vertical realms of knowledge – greater creativity, innovation, intuition, empathy and wisdom.

​This book is a new hero’s journey through those unknown, uncharted waters of tomorrow. Where you’ll discover your nine human superpowers and immerse yourself in a toolbox of future-ready skill sets giving you transformative powers of conscious Leadership, unstoppable antifragile resilience, visionary strategic foresight, moonshot creativity and innovation. It comes complete with ten practical, applicable tools to prepare you for the future of life, work, and relationships.

​“The Rise of Humanness” is a narrative of optimism, a manifesto for the good future, where fear is left behind and every heartbeat is a step towards greater possibilities. With each page, you’ll learn how you can harness your staggering potential and discover how humanness is your greatest asset

VUCA MAX Business Warrior Training

The VUCA Max BUSINESS WARRIOR training helps executives and leaders develop better habits, improve focus, and learn strategies to overcome uncertainty, increase profitability, improve performance, and master resilience to achieve what most think is “impossible.”

Strategic Foresight + Future Back Thinking

(Varies: 1 day – 14-day trainings)


Your teams will be on the forefront of taking advantage of exponential growth opportunities! There will be a hundred years of technological growth in the next decade and you’ll learn how to master strategic foresight, embrace positive VUCA, and capitalize on the future.

  • ​IT’S VUCA workbook to help guide your staff/stakeholders to start their VUCA Warrior training
  • Selection from The Master Guide to Thriving in the 21st Century
    • Strategic Foresight Tools
    • Future Back Thinking
    • VUCA APPS: Accelerated Personal Performance Systems
    • Flow Triggers
    • OODA Loop
    • BHAGS
    • Vertical vs Horizontal Thinking
    • Flipping the Script
    • The Noise Bottleneck
    • Whole Mind Thinking
    • Hacking Your Consciousness
    • Doing vs Being Different
  • Event planning & marketing toolkit


Strategic Foresight in Return-to-Office Planning: Purposeful Presence.

Duration: 2-Day Intensive Workshop


Workshop Objective: To empower USAA leaders with VUCA MAX strategic tools and foresight to navigate and lead through the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving Return-to-Office paradigm.

Day 1: Situational Analysis and Strategy Development

Morning Session: Observation and Orientation

  • Strategic Foresight Briefing/Mission and Moonshot Goals
  • OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act): Employ the concept and its application to Return to Office strategies.

Afternoon Session: Decide

  • Map Your Story: Utilize the “Change Your Story/Map Your Future” tool to assess the past, current, future state of Return to Office/Culture at USAA.
  • Workshop Activity/Strategic Foresight: Delve into how these stories will help in making informed decisions about Return to Work.
  • Moonshots for Return to Office: Define a moonshot goal for USAA. Encourage radical thinking to achieve breakthroughs.

Homework Assignment: Develop 2-3 foresight-based Return to Office/Culture scenarios using insights from today’s sessions.

Day 2: Strategic Planning and Execution

Morning Session: Tactical Planning

  • OODA Loop in Action: Offensive Action based USAA’s strategy with the evolving Return to Office landscape.
  • Strategic Foresight Planning: Develop action plans that are adaptable and resilient to change.
  • Group Activity: Formulate a strategic plan that integrates foresight with your moonshot Return to Office goals.’’

Afternoon Session: War Game and After-Action Review

  • War Game Simulation: Run a simulated exercise to test Return to Office strategies against unexpected challenges and disruptions.
  • After-Action Review (AAR): Analyze outcomes, gather insights, and refine strategies.
  • Closing Debrief: Finalize Return to Work strategy incorporating lessons learned from the AAR.

Capstone Assignment: Complete a comprehensive Return to Work strategy document, incorporating the OODA Loop, Strategic Foresight, and Moonshot approaches.

Post-Workshop Commitment: Establish a timeline for implementing the Return to Work strategy, with scheduled checkpoints using the OODA Loop for continuous reorientation and adaptation.

Key Takeaways for Participants:

  • Strategic Foresight: Understanding how to anticipate and prepare for future Return to Work challenges and opportunities.
  • OODA Loop: Mastery of this decision cycle for rapid, effective, and continuous adaptation to change.
  • Moonshot Thinking: How to set and achieve ambitious, transformative goals for USAA’s workforce.
  • Change Your Story/Map Your Future Tool: A clear framework for visualizing the path from the current state to the desired future state, considering past, present, and future forces at play.

Assessment and Follow-Up:

  • Post-Workshop Survey: To assess baseline understanding and expectations.
  • Continuous Evaluation: Through in-workshop activities and capstone assignment.
  • Post-Workshop Feedback: Gather feedback to measure the effectiveness and impact of the training.
  • Quarterly Reviews: To assess the long-term application of strategies and adjust as needed.

This workshop is designed to be immersive and action-oriented, ensuring that participants not only learn new strategic planning tools but also apply them to a relevant and pressing initiative—navigating the complexities of Return to Work at USAA. It will provide a structured yet adaptable framework that honors the military ethos of precision, discipline, and adaptability.

VUCA MAX Business Warrior Training

  • Building rocket ships to the future, inside and outside the business
  • Exploiting the core, while also exploring the edge
  • Driving transformation, projects and the future of work
  • Collaboration, diversity and building extreme teams
  • Sustaining energy and rhythm, corporates as start-ups
  • Creating global, agile and circular ecosystems

Strategic Foresight + Future Back Thinking

(Varies: 1 day – 14-day trainings)


Your teams will be on the forefront of taking advantage of exponential growth opportunities! There will be a hundred years of technological growth in the next decade and you’ll learn how to master strategic foresight, embrace positive VUCA, and capitalize on the future.


  • IT’S VUCA workbook to help guide your staff/stakeholders to start their VUCA Warrior training
  • Selection from The Master Guide to Thriving in the 21st Century
    • Strategic Foresight Tools
    • Future Back Thinking
    • VUCA APPS: Accelerated Personal Performance Systems
    • Flow Triggers
    • OODA Loop
    • BHAGS
    • Vertical vs Horizontal Thinking
    • Flipping the Script
    • The Noise Bottleneck
    • Whole Mind Thinking
    • Hacking Your Consciousness
    • Doing vs Being Different
  • Event planning & marketing toolkit

Seamless Integration with Your Ecosystem: Customized VUCA MAX Solutions

At VUCA MAX, we recognize the distinct challenges and dynamics each organization faces within its ecosystem.

Our approach is customized, aiming to align our programs with your unique initiatives, needs, and strategic objectives. Through a detailed analysis of your organization’s landscape, including strategic direction, core challenges, and the VUCA elements at play, we craft programs that resonate with your culture and aspirations.

We seamlessly integrate our tailored solutions with your ongoing efforts, enhancing leadership resilience, fostering innovation, or driving change, to effectively navigate the VUCA environment.

Our commitment includes ongoing support, ensuring our interventions evolve with your organization’s needs and the external landscape, laying a foundation for long-term success and resilience against future uncertainties.